Green60 Self-Service Payroll

Payroll Service ProvidersAs a business owner, you know that part of your responsibility is processing payments to go out weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly. The process of completing this payroll can be tedious and take up a lot of your time. Many business owners have discovered the benefits of turning to payroll service providers. Green60 is a great option for small business owners who want to receive benefits beyond those of saved time and money.

Green60 Referral Program 

We trust that our customers will want to pass on our information, so we created a referral program that rewards you. We pay an up-front referral benefit in the amount of $75 to you directly for every client that you bring to us. We also pay you monthly for as long as that new client stays with our payroll service. You’ll earn $3.00 each time the customer that you referred uses our service.