Green60 Self-Service Payroll

Free Employee Handbook

An Employee Handbook is a manual given to employees when they are hired. It contains company policies and procedures. This is a good place to bring together information that an employee needs to know such as holiday arrangements, company rules and disciplinary and grievance procedures. It is also a useful source of information for new staff as part of the induction process. A written handbook gives clear advice to Employees and creates a culture where issues are dealt with fairly and consistently. Specific areas that the employee handbook may address are:
  • A welcome statement
  • Orientation procedures
  • Definitions of full and part-time employment and the benefits associated with each class
  • Guidelines for employee performance reviews
  • Policies for promotion or demotion
  • Policies for handling on the job accidents

An employee handbook can act as a crucial tool to mitigate potential legal disputes. At Green60, we provide excellent resources to protect your business. Our customized employee handbooks are designed to address commonly encountered issues in your industry. If you require more in-depth information, we recommend consulting with an attorney, and we can gladly refer you to our trusted legal partner. It is essential to thoroughly read and understand the handbook, and should you have any further questions, we encourage you to seek advice from your attorney.