Green60 Self-Service Payroll uses the latest in security measures with its 128 bit encryption. Furthermore your sensitive information is stored on our servers within our intranet; a closed loop system that is practically impossible to access. We have been in this business for more than 23 years and have seen several problems.
Most managers will use tricks do get the employees on their side or to get the employees to work better.

These tricks include things like:
Give an employee a raise on the hourly rate
Hire a new employee without authorization
To help the employee to keep more money they change the withholding status

In the end it is you or your company that loses out or is in danger of paying penalties or having to answer to government agencies. By the time that you discover the unauthorized transactions the funds have been paid and wrongdoing has been done.

How can you prevent this type of unauthorized act? There is a solution for it. Let take care of it for you.

At we see the problem ahead of time. You can easily delegate the Payroll to another person and still not be sure that nothing wrong will happen. When we take over your Payroll a specialist will take the time to discuss with you all the pertinent information. This includes employee rates, withholding allowances and confirms existence of all Employees. At this point we are in control of the Payroll. Any changes to an Employee profile or new hires are reported to us through “Employee Change”. Our specialists have been trained to call you and discuss any Employee changes with you. If you authorize it the change will be made. If not you will now be aware that there is a problem. No money will be lost and nothing illegal happened.
This is the type of service that you should look for. will never send you an email asking you for your username or password. If you receive such an email please let us know immediately and do not respond to it.
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