Green60 Self-Service Payroll

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24 Facts You Should Know

Before You Sign Up With Any Payroll Processing Company is the nation’s leading Payroll Processing Company, thanks to a very

reasonable price and unbeatable service. As the Payroll Processing Company acknowledged by the Institute for Green Business to be the greenest Payroll Company in the nation, we are committed to

eliminating the use of paper without sacrificing quality of service.

Recently, it came to our attention that our competitors are matching our prices in order to prevent their Payroll Processing clients from leaving. But

keep in mind that their price of $19.99 only considers 10% of the total process. Even worker compensation insurance

could be purchased from better companies at a better price. Our competitors cannot match the additional services we offer

you. Before you accept their matching offer, we suggest you ask them the following questions . . .

  • Green60 only charges us when we use their service. How about you?
  • Green60 offers one month of free service. How about you?
  • Green60 has no deadline for reporting employee hours.How about you?
  • Green60 processes our payroll and lets us print paychecks on our own computer in 60 minutes or less. How about you?
  • Green60 texts or e-mails us when our paychecks are ready to print. How about you?
  • Green60 answers the phone on the first or second ring.We don’t need voice mail to receive messages, because the person who picks up the phone can answer any question.How about you?
  • Green60 uses no paper in their processing, and all reports are stored in the system digitally.How about you?
  • Green60 will never purge my data, even if I stop using their service. How about you?
  • Green60 is giving me the Biometric Time and Attendance machine free. How about you?
  • Green60 does not charge an annual fee or annual increase. How about you?
  • Green60 sends me a notification of tax liability seven days prior to withdrawals. How about you?
  • Green60 transfers the applicable taxes from my account to the government’s account. They debit my account at the time taxes are due and payable. How about you?
  • Green60 doesn’t try to sell us products we don’t need.How about you?
  • Green60 is fast and easy to use. How about you?
  • Green60 offers a Fraud Prevention Program. How it works:New hires or changes to an employee profile will be communicated to higher management/owner before they are implemented.How about you?
  • Green60 quarterly reports, annual reports and all W-2’s are in the system, so I can access and print them at any time. How about you?
  • Green60 offers a free Apple and Android App.How about you?
  • Green60 uses eMobilePrint technology to view and print my payroll checks — with or without my signature — from anywhere in the world to any printer in the world.How about you?
  • Green60 offers a free personalized Employee Hand Book.How about you?
  • Green60 has contracted with three reputable insurance companies and two financial analysis agencies. All of these companies can provide clients with excellent services.How about you?
  • Green60 does not charge for processing new hires and terminations, or even for providing me with quarterly and annual reports. How about you?
  • Green60 does not charge a “per check” fee.How about you?
  • Green60 is a US based company with offices in NewportBeach, California. How about you?
  • Green60 is certified by the Institute for GreenBusiness — the first green business to be certified in the US. How about you? answers “Yes” to all these questions. Now is the time to pick up the phone and call 1-866-840-3400. One of our experienced specialists will be happy to talk to you and answer any questions you may have about